Thursday, January 31, 2008


I stayed home from school today because I was sick. I threw up last night two times! BLEH! My stomache hurt real bad! It is like a stomache flu bug going around. Is that what you had Sabrina? Well mine was BAD! And guess what? In twenty-four hours I have a HUGE basketball game! I either have to go to bed in ten minutes, or drink LOTS of mountain dew before the game. Yeah I'm gonna go with bed!


Monday, January 28, 2008

Tell me....

Tell me how you like the new layout! Write in a comment, or in the Soon-coming cbox what one you like, and what you think of this one! I really want all the feedback! PLEASE!! Tell me how u likey like it! By the way, FROGGY IS ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!! :)



I really like writing stories, but uh, if you post them on a blog, they can get stolen and published just like that! (you know, snap of fingers noise) So, instead I will write poems, because if they get stolen (which they probably won't!) I don't really care, because I never thought they were that good to begin with! Here is one about my BFF Lily!

Your laughter draining out the sound
Your smile lighting up the room
Your eyes twinkling as you speak
Your voice, calm and smooth
Your fears, hidden from the public
Your bravery standing out blankly
Your loyalty known by all surrounding you
Your friendship, irreplaceable! :)

Lily you rock, KEEP ROCKING!!!! You are the best friend EVER!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

B-ball yo

Today we had a basketball game, and Gabby and Lily are both on my team. Me and Gabby are in the same group, but Lily has to go in the other group...WAAA!! :'( and she has ALWAYS played in the same group as us!! It is SO UNFAIR!!!!! }=( but we all ROCKED! We all got a lot of points too! I got 16, Gabby got 14, and Lily got 12!!! We won, yeah we CREAMED them! lol we did. In the FIRST half, the score was already like 30 to 4! But that is only the third game we won. WA! Here is the rankings of the teams in our league:

Steph's team, undefeated
Kate's team, won 6, lost 2
Aub's team, won 5, lost 3
OUR TEAM! won three, lost five
other team won two, lost six
other team won one, lost seven

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Change da layout

I am gonna chande the layout. Now, I have a few picked out, look at them and tell me what one is your favorite in a comment! Thanks!







Wednesday, January 23, 2008

School today

Today in school, A LOT happened. Let's start from the begginning. Me and Lily were going to talk to our principal about the school newspaper. We had been planning for DAYS. Then a girl named Kaylie had the idea she and Rachelle should talk to her about something different (which is another part of the story) and they got to go talk to her. Me and Lily just kind of brushed it off. An hour later, THEY WERE STILL TALKING TO HER!!!! So anyway, then we asked WHAT they were talking about, and Rachelle was going to tell us but then Kaylie came and told her not to and convinced her if she did, there would be "consequences." So then on the bus Rachelle and Kaylie and Eliza told EVERY other girl in 7th grade EXCEPT me, Kelly, Emma, and Lily. We were the only three that didn't know about the secret. Then, from Annie, me and Lily found out it was about a really mean girl named Beatrice who went to our school last year but went back to her old one this year, YAY! So anyway, that was all we knew. Then Kaylie got Rachelle to quit the newspaper, and so then I asked Kaylie, "Are you going to quit Heifer (another project we are doing together) too?"
She started telling EVERYONE, including our teacher that I said, "Are going to quit Heifer now since its to stupid for you?" WHICH IS NOT WHAT I SAID!!! Only three other people believed me that I did not say that. I don't know if I'll get in trouble tomorrow or not. Remember this: When someone says something, it gets passed around, eventually, and innoccent saying turns vicious and mean, and the person who said it, could be in a lot of trouble. If you are part of the gossip train, you should be ashamed, because gossip hurts. It hurts the person it's about, and if it is not true, the person who said it. It can destroy friendships, ruin relationships, and creat many, many enemies.

This is ALL true

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I breath
I see
I feel
I ache
I laugh
I cry
I sing
I find
What I
have always needed
I do this

Not good, not good AT ALL! But hey, its another poem the world didn't have five minutes ago.

Friday, January 18, 2008

My life 4 ya

Here is my life:

My family: mom, dad, older brother kyle
My pets: ritty barn cat, mickey barn cat, molly german shepard, horses
My friends: Aubrey, Steph, Kate, Gabby, Lily, Kelly, Jan, Zac, Danny, Anna, Kenzie, Emma, Sabrina, etc...those r just my closest ones....
My hometown: New York City, Manhatten (lived there eight years)
My teachers: Meanie mr.simons (who hates me and aub) for homeroom...dont wanna list the others...
My schedual: BUSY except on mondays,lol

Well there is a little about me, missy miss me! LINDSEY! 4 eva!

Monday, January 14, 2008


There are some awesome new things on the side of my blog! A virtual pet, Tommy the turtle, A countdown to my birthday, February 26th (even though Gabby said it was in April), some stuff about me, and you can view my complete profile from there, a poll, a picture of a frog, a little saying of mine, a sticky note where you can type me messages, a scrath ticket where you can reveal the hidden message, and a fun game where you have to find the girl in the mess of boys! LOL! So much fun stuff!!!

The Race is On

A poem by Lindsey
The Race is On

Quicken your pace
There is no time left
No time to waste
Run Run as fast as you can
You'll never catch up
You'll never win
Take your shot
Right here right now
There are no reasons why not
There's no way not to know how
You have to do it! Do it or else
You will finish dead last
Behind everyone else
Opprtuinity is knocking take it while you can

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I Hate Templates

UGH I hate templates for blogger right now. Why? Simple, THEY DON'T WORK!!!!!! I started to hate my background cuz it is old and I want a new one, and you can insult it because I hate it anyway. I found the perfect one, it was really cool, but then when I changed it it said, "Error" or whatever and so I tried again......and again......and uh........again.......well it didn't work any of those times. So then I gave up on the best template ever, and tried another one. Guess what happened? ERROR!!!!!!!!! }=( ugh!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!! I am just gonna wait and maybe another day.......hmmm...


Saturday, January 12, 2008


Today is today, lol no duh. Today is um....hmmm......well we have a basketball game......but is that all? Oh yeah, I have to make a door to door delivery to one of my classmates and give them the uh..let's not talk about that. Well anyway, they won't let anyone take *gulp* that thing!!!! I might go to Trittany's house. If my mom says yes. Well that is today for you, have a good today!!!

$lol Lindsey$

Friday, January 11, 2008


Hi guys I'm here at my house with my friend Trittany, she's really nice. We are on the same basketball team so she is spending the night at my house and then we will take her to the game tomorrow, yup and Lily is on our team and we are versing Eliza. But the only reason she started basketballwas to impress Zac who doesn't like her anyway, and never did, and never will. Trittany is really nice and is a good basketball player.


Thursday, January 10, 2008


Gabbby is not doing her blog anymore unfortunetly. She was on it, just doing the blogger stuff, and all of a sudden a whole bunch of REALLY inapropriate stuff just like POPPED up. Her mom said she can't do blogger anymore because of that, but I don't blame her mom. As for me, I haven't seen that stuff so I am not going to stop blogging until I am either told to stop, or get bored with!


Sunday, January 6, 2008

My New and *Improved* song

Llllllllindsey! Hey! Hey! Hey! llllindsey! Hey hey hey! Linds-AY!!!! Linds-AY!! Hey hey! lllllindey! OMG there she oges again, her wacky plans, hey hey hey!! LOL whatcha gonna do? I am gonna be the one to tell you!

lol so stupid, but me and gab have our songs, lol

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Hannah, from homeschoolingrocks, has issues. If you read the post where I said that I was saying Merry Christmas instead of happy holidays, then you know she made some pretty rude comments, that insulted me, and the lord's name. And if you do that on my blog, you are not welcome on my blog. Here is her EXACT words, read the comment and you can see too!
"well really "christmas" the word is unholy, I won't tell you the whole story but to make a long story short. Jesus wasn't born on Christmas, it was September or November or October." Hannah said that, and Hannah, no the word Christmas is not unholy, Chrismas is a special date set aside to celebrate the birth of Christ, the Lord's son, and Hannah if you don't believe that way, then that is your thing, and you can believe however you want to, it is your choice, but don't come on MY blog and critisize the way I believe, if you do, you're gonna have to take the consequences. Mess with the bull, ya get the horns! I thank Kelly for sticking up for me and saying, "hannah that what you believe in. You probably believe in something differemt, in fact your family probably believes in a different way than Lindsey. So try not to sounnd so rude."
Thanks Kelly! Then Hannah said this, "I didn't mean to sound mean and Lindsay was mean getting up in people's faces and saying "haha! you can't stop me!!" but if it bothers me I won't come back here again, so I won't"
She even spelt my name wrong!!!!!! lol jk!! But the point is, everyone believes differently, and the way she talked, I believe is rude to my religion.
P.S. She broke one of my rules saying not to leave rude comments!!!



It is dark outside
The sky is black
Stars are bright
The moon hangs vaccantly
It is midnight
Time is lessening
No one knows
When it will run out
Best be home
Before Midnight


Real nice

Wanna know something that people think is being just a nice, everyday, caring people?
When someone does something wrong in their opinion, and it may not really even be wrong, and then say on their blog that they are so good because they did that thing right, and they are referring to the other blog or thing they read about, here is an example with made up people and blogs:

Cathy, on a post on her blog called, oh i don't know, cathy the extrordinary, said that she is making a lot of posts on her blog so she can beat her friends in a blogging race, say that happened, and this was her quote: "I am posting as much as possible, so that I can win a bloggin race againts Anna and Sophie, whoever posts the most in three days wins, I want to win so I am just posting as much as I can"

Then Ashana, maybe Cathy's not so good friend, reads it and makes a post on her blog, All Ashana all the time, saying that she is going to have a lot of posts at the end of three days, and all of her posts are going to be good posts, and not just silly posts to win something stupid, and she is not in the race, this might be her quote: "I will have so many posts at the end of three days, even though I am no in the race, and they will all be good posts, not just stupid one to make it so I win, not silly little ones just so I can have to most posts!"

There, you know that Ashana was referring to Cathy's blog, because she reads it often, and Ashana had no business saying that. Why do poeple do things like that? I don't know but off of the tip of my tounge, I can give you a couple good examples right here right now!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


AHHHH! I got a horse for christmas!!!! AHHH!!!! It just got here today because it had late arrival from where it was coming from, you know because of hte storm and stuff. It was supposed to be here two days after christmas, but it got here VERY late. His name is Spando, he is a buckskin! EEEEEKKK!!!! He is so cute, highly trained and all of that stuff, he is so awesome!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo much! Go Spando! Go Spando!


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My New Blog

Hey guys, I have a new blog! It is all about peanut butter cups! My FAVORITE! It is called:
Or, if you want to get on it faster, then go to "My complete profile" below the about me part on the side of my blog. Then you will see at the very bottom, blogs, and it will be there!


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Magic 8 ball

wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

Too little?

Am I posting not enough? Or are you getting bored with my blog? Let me know by posting a comment!